15.1.25 Luke 2:8-15

15 January



Father God, here I am, I open myself to you. Please reveal yourself to me today, grab my attention by your spirit. Amplify your word and supernaturally highlight the places you want me to find you. Take these moments, pockets of my day and help me grow in new levels of faith. 

Take a moment to be still. 


Read – Luke 2:16-20

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.

When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.



Think about the last time you hurried.

Maybe you were late for the train, an appointment or to get your child to their club on time! The shepherd’s hurried to find Jesus, to see what God had told them was happening.

Do you have a heart that longs to find Jesus?

That responds to Gods call and moves into action? It is too easy to get distracted and busy.

We so easily hurry from one thing to the next but is our sense of urgency ever pointed to the One who is always there waiting with open loving arms?  


Let’s spend some time with God reminding ourselves that whatever stage or season of life we are in: it is good to pause, to stop and to seek His face. He is always ready to welcome us into His presence.  


Give yourself permission to stop. Make a cup of tea, go for a walk, enjoy your favourite music, whatever it is, allow that space to remind you that God is in control. We do not always have to be rushing, producing or achieving. Ask God to reveal where you can make adjustments to slow down and unhurry.  

God, help me grow a desire to long for your presence.   


May the urgency of the shepherds encourage you to move towards God, to be curious for things of His kingdom and continue to be part of what God is doing.    



Jesus was unhurried and He allowed himself to be interruptible.

Who in your world could do with some unhurried presence?

Try having a conversation that you do not control the end of. Allow the other person to determine when the conversation finishes.

Reflect on what this practice is like for you.  


16.1.25 Luke 2:21-35


14.1.25 Luke 2:8-15