1.1.25 Luke 1:1-4


O God, would you move. I rend my heart and life to you.
Take a moment to be still.



Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.



Can you imagine being an ‘eyewitness and servant of the word’? Imagine living in Galilee 2000 years ago. Living in a fairly poor area of the country that depended on fishing, farming and helping to build nearby towns. An area that the rest of the country had written off and looked down at. You’d be living under foreign occupation, having to adopt the customs and culture of another country, paying taxes to a land far, far away. You’d be forgiven for having low expectations, for feeling forgotten.

That was the very place God decided to act in to change the whole of human history. 2000 years ago, the Word become flesh – Jesus, God the Son, came and lived amongst us. Imagine hearing the stories of when he walked on water, of when he healed the blind, raised the dead, and people realised he was the Messiah! What a thing to see – surely, it’d change your life? Well, we still can! We can be eyewitnesses and servants of the word – seeing God at work in our own and others lives, giving up our own lives and following him.



Jesus Christ. You are the Word amongst us.
Be with us today.

Jesus Christ. You are the Word amongst us.
Remind us of your love today.

Jesus Christ. You are the Word amongst us.
Move in our hearts today.

Jesus Christ. You are the Word amongst us.
Change our lives today.



Imagine again the reaction of those people who saw Jesus in action 2000 years ago. How did they react? How did following Jesus affect their lives?

Ask that God might do that for you too.



Let’s spend some time praying that we would be an eyewitness and servant of Jesus.

Where could Jesus use you today?

Who could Jesus reach through you today?

What can you be thankful for to Jesus today?



This term we are reflecting on Simplicity. How could God be calling you to simplicity in your life this week?


2.1.25 Luke 1:5-10