3.1.25 Luke 1:11-20


O God, would you move. I give my heart and life to you.
Take a moment to be still.


Read Luke 1:11-20

11 Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right side of the altar of incense. 12 When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear. 13 But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John. 14 He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, 15 for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born. 16 He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. 17 And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” 18 Zechariah asked the angel, “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.” 19 The angel said to him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. 20 And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.”


In Hebrew the name John was associated with ‘God (Yah) is gracious’. God’s grace to Zechariah and Elizabeth was partly found in this son, John. But the true grace of God is found in verse 16: He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. Grace is the blessing we don’t deserve, and it is fulfilled to us in Jesus, our Saviour and Redeemer.



Oh Lord Jesus, we could never earn your grace. Thank you.

Oh Lord Jesus, we could never remove your grace. Thank you.

Oh Lord Jesus, we could never increase your grace. Thank you.

Oh Lord Jesus, we could never decrease your grace. Thank you.


Oh Lord Jesus, we love your grace. Thank you.



How could you show grace to others? Is there someone you sometimes find it trickier to show grace to? Let’s pray for them now.

Lord Jesus, help us to be vessels of your grace.



Today, reflecting on grace, in our doing section, we’re simply going to be. Let’s take a moment to bask in the grace God has for us.



What simple act could you do today to either enjoy God’s grace, or to help another experience grace?


4.1.25 Luke 1:21-25


2.1.25 Luke 1:5-10