13.2.25 Luke 8:1-15

Luke 8 v1-15

“Thank you Lord for the seed of your word, may we be receptive to it today “



This is one of the most well known parables in the Gospels. We might well rename it as the Parable of the Soils

There are three areas of disappointment and one area of success – the path, the rock, the thorns and of course the good soil  The disciples don’t understand and Jesus explains it to them

The responsibility of the sower is to sow the seed  We might wonder why he bothered with the marginal ground!  There is an apparent randomness about the process of sowing the seed rather than some careful organised planting! Carefully targeted evangelism strategies may have their place but this parable suggests a different approach!

Paul wrote  “I planted, Apollos watered but God gave the increase”


Are  there any seed sowing opportunities today, even in the most unpromising of circumstances


Prayer  Lord may the seed of your word grow in our hearts to give a rich and splendid Harvest  Amen”


14.2.25 Luke 8:16-21


12.2.25 Luke 7:36-50