02.03.25 Luke 11:1-2
Heavenly Father, thank you for who you are and please help us to learn more about you.
Luke 11-1-2
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.
He said to them, “When you pray, say:
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come.
Prayer is Personal – Jesus begins by teaching us to call God “Father.” This is one of the most beautiful parts of prayer because it reminds us that God is not distant or far away. He is a loving Father who is always near. When we pray, we are talking to someone who cares for us deeply, and He wants to hear from us. Prayer is not just about asking for things it’s about building a relationship with God, just like you would with a parent or close friend.
Prayer is Full of Praise – Jesus then teaches us to pray, “Hallowed be Your name.” This means we start by acknowledging how holy, amazing, and perfect God is. Before asking for anything, we take time to praise God for who He is. When we praise Him first, it helps us remember that He’s in control, and His plans are always good.
Prayer is About God’s Kingdom – Jesus also says, “Your kingdom come.” This isn’t just about asking for what we want; it’s about asking for God’s will to be done in our lives and in the world. When we pray this, we are saying, "God, I want Your plans and purposes to happen, not just mine." It’s about putting God’s desires ahead of our own. Life often doesn’t go the way we expect, but praying for God’s kingdom helps us trust that He is working for our good and He knows what is best for us, more than we do.
In the book, Experiencing Friendship with God, the author, Faith Eury Cho, says: ”When you believe in the sufficiency of His Presence, you will be drawn to His company more than His blessings. A prayer life that is focused solely on asking for provision, help, and strength, without seeking God Himself, is transactional, not relational. That's more like a relationship we might have with our accountants. During tax season, we pay for a connection to an accountant so that our taxes are filed correctly. However, that is typically as far as the relationship goes, for we wouldn't think of spending an idle afternoon in the park with our accountants! We go to accountants for their skills and services, not for their company. God isn't our accountant. His companionship is of the greatest value.”
A suggested prayer:
Father God, I pray that I will long for your presence more than answers, more than anything in this world. Please talk for your servant is listening.
Spend time listening to God, trusting He knows all the cares you carry and is in control.
Spend time with God, we can talk to Him anytime, remember He is still with you and wants to be known when you are doing fun things, like a hobby.